01 May 2012

List all systems that are logged off

I wrote this script in 2010 to be able to give me a list of systems that are currently logged off from a list of computers in a text file. My purpose for this was to be able to find systems to test software deployments on in which a user was not logged on. There are two text files, one it reads from for the list of computers to scan, and the second file to output who is logged onto that computer. If no one is logged on, then it is blank beside the computer name. At the end, it pops up a status message saying query is complete. During the scan, there is an IE window that pops up and gives a percentage status as to how much has completed.

You can download the script from here.

 REM ***************************************************************************  
 REM ***   Program: User Logged On.vbs  
 REM ***   Author: Mick Pletcher  
 REM ***   Created: 10 January 2010  
 REM ***   Edited:  
 REM ***  
 REM *** Description:   
 REM ***  
 REM ***************************************************************************  
 On Error Resume Next

 REM Define Global Constants  
 CONST ForReading = 1  
 CONST InputFile  = "<LOCATION>\WorkStations.txt"  
 CONST OutputFile = "<LOCATION>\output.txt"

 REM Define Global Objects  
 DIM objFSO      : Set objFSO      = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  
 DIM objTextFile : Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(InputFile, ForReading)  
 DIM objIE       : Set objIE       = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")  
 DIM WshShell    : Set WshShell    = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

 REM Define Global Variables       
 DIM arrComputers  : Set arrComputers  = Nothing  
 DIM Count         : Set Count         = Nothing  
 DIM objOutput     : Set objOutput     = Nothing  
 DIM objWMIService : Set objWMIService = Nothing  
 DIM strComputer   : Set strComputer   = Nothing  
 DIM strText       : strText           = objTextFile.ReadAll  
 DIM X             : Set X             = 1  
 DIM Total         : Set Total         = 0  
 DIM PrevTotal     : Set PrevTotal     = Nothing  

 objIE.Document.WriteLn "Scanning Systems..." & "<BR>"  
 objIE.Document.Write Total & "% complete" & "<BR>"  
 arrComputers = Split(strText, VbCrLf)  
 Count = UBound(arrComputers)  
 Set objOutput = objFSO.CreateTextFile(OutputFile)  
 Set objOutput = objFSO.OpenTextFile  
 For Each strComputer In arrComputers  
      Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")  
      Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem",,48)  
      For Each objItem in colItems  
           If IsNull(objItem.UserName) then  
                objOutput.WriteLine( strComputer & ": ")            
                objOutput.WriteLine( strComputer & ": " & objItem.UserName )  
     End IF  
      Total = (X / Count) * 100  
      Total = Int(Total)  
      If NOT Total = PrevTotal then  
           objIE.Document.WriteLn "Scanning Systems..." & "<BR>"  
           objIE.Document.Write Total & "% complete" & "<BR>"  
      End If  
      PrevTotal = Total  
      X = X + 1  
 Wscript.Echo " Query is complete"

 REM Cleanup Global Variables  
 Set Count         = Nothing  
 Set objFSO        = Nothing  
 Set objTextFile   = Nothing  
 Set arrComputers  = Nothing  
 Set objOutput     = Nothing  
 Set objWMIService = Nothing  
 Set strComputer   = Nothing  
 Set strText       = Nothing  


 Sub CreateDisplayWindow()  

      REM Define Local Constants  
      CONST strComputer = "."

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM objWMIService   : Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")  
      DIM colItems        : Set colItems   = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select PelsWidth,PelsHeight From Win32_DisplayConfiguration")  
      DIM objItem         : Set objItem    = Nothing  
      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM intWidth        : intWidth = 500  
      DIM intHeight       : intHeight = 300  
      DIM intScreenWidth  : Set intScreenWidth = Nothing  
      DIM intScreenHeight : Set intScreenHeight = Nothing

      For Each objItem in colItems  
           intScreenWidth = objItem.PelsWidth  
           intScreenHeight = objItem.PelsHeight  
      objIE.Navigate "about:blank"  
      objIE.Document.Title = "Users Logged On"  
      objIE.Toolbar  = 0  
      objIE.StatusBar = 0  
      objIE.AddressBar = 0  
      objIE.MenuBar  = 0  
      objIE.Resizable = 0  
      objIE.Width   = 100  
      objIE.Height   = 100  
      While objIE.ReadyState <> 4  
           WScript.Sleep 100  
      objIE.Left = (intScreenWidth / 2) - (intWidth / 2)  
      objIE.Top = (intScreenHeight / 2) - (intHeight / 2)  
      objIE.Visible = True  
      REM Cleanup Local Variables  
      Set colItems    = Nothing  
      Set intScreenWidth = Nothing  
      Set intScreenHeight = Nothing  
      Set intWidth    = Nothing  
      Set intHeight    = Nothing  
      Set objItem     = Nothing  
      Set objWMIService  = Nothing  
 End Sub  



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