31 October 2012


If you have ever wondered how to automate setting the BIOS settings before an image is laid down on a machine using MDT or SCCM, here is the solution. This VBScript will inject the Dell CCTK into the WIM boot files that SCCM/MDT generate for booting a machine into the image setup. This allows the BIOS settings to be set before the SCCM/MDT image setup screen appears. There are certain BIOS settings, such as the Serial ATA controller setting that must be set before the image is laid down. This is where this script comes into play.

This will do the following to the MDT/SCCM generated boot WIM files: inject the Dell CCTK, inject the HAPI drivers, and modify the unattend.xml file so that the BIOS settings are updated before the Windows Deployment Wizard appears.

You can download this script from here.

 '      Program: Install.vbs   
 '       Author: Mick Pletcher   
 '         Date:   
 '     Modified:   
 '  Description: This will do the following to the MDT/SCCM generated WIM files:   
 '               inject the Dell CCTK, inject the HAPI drivers, and modify the   
 '               unattend.xml file.   
 ' Requirements: Microsoft WAIK, location for the locally stored WinPE files   
 '               (WinPEDIR Global Variable), MDT Server (I have 2 servers   
 '               MDT01 and MDT02), designation of architecture, and Dell CCTK.   
 '               NOTE: This script has been created to automate the update process   
 '               on a Windows 7 64-bit PC, therefor the directory locations of   
 '               the CCTK files will differ for an x86 machine.   
 Option Explicit   

 REM Define Constants   
 CONST TempFolder    = "c:\temp\"   
 CONST LogFolderName = "CCTK"   
 CONST MDT01         = "MDT01"   
 CONST MDT02         = "MDT02"   
 CONST WinPEDIR      = "c:\winpe\"   
 CONST x64           = "x64"   
 CONST x86           = "x86"   

 REM Define Global Variables   
 DIM LogFolder    : LogFolder        = TempFolder & LogFolderName & "\"   
 DIM RelativePath : Set RelativePath = Nothing   

 REM Refresh Local WIM Files from MDT Servers   
   CopyWIMFiles( MDT01 )   
   RenameWIMFiles( MDT01 )   
   CopyWIMFiles( MDT02 )   
   RenameWIMFiles( MDT02 )   
 REM Process Local x86 file for MDT01   
   MountWIM MDT01,x86   
   CopyHAPIFiles( x86 )   
   CopyCCTKFiles( x86 )   
   EditUnattend( x86 )   
 REM Process Local x64 File for MDT01   
   MountWIM MDT01,x64   
   CopyHAPIFiles( x64 )   
   CopyCCTKFiles( x64 )   
   EditUnattend( x64 )   
 REM Process Local x86 File for MDT02   
   MountWIM MDT02,x86   
   CopyHAPIFiles( x86 )   
   CopyCCTKFiles( x86 )   
   EditUnattend( x86 )   
 REM Process Local x64 File for MDT02   
   MountWIM MDT02,x64   
   CopyHAPIFiles( x64 )   
   CopyCCTKFiles( x64 )   
   EditUnattend( x64 )   


 Sub DefineRelativePath()   

   REM Get File Name with full relative path   
   RelativePath = WScript.ScriptFullName   
   REM Remove file name, leaving relative path only   
   RelativePath = Left(RelativePath, InStrRev(RelativePath, "\"))   

 End Sub   


 Sub DeleteLocalWIMFiles()   

   REM Define Local Objects   
   DIM FSO    : Set FSO    = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   
   DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")   

   REM Define Local Variables   
   DIM Parameters : Parameters = "/F /Q"   
   DIM sCMD_1     : sCMD_1   = "%COMSPEC% /c del " & RelativePath & "*MDT01.wim"   
   DIM sCMD_2     : sCMD_2   = "%COMSPEC% /c del " & RelativePath & "*MDT02.wim"   
   DIM sCMD_3     : sCMD_3   = "%COMSPEC% /c del " & RelativePath & "generic*.wim"   

   oShell.Run sCMD_1 & Parameters, 1, True   
   oShell.Run sCMD_2 & Parameters, 1, True   
   oShell.Run sCMD_3 & Parameters, 1, True   

   REM Cleanup Local Variables   
   Set sCMD_1     = Nothing   
   Set sCMD_2     = Nothing   
   Set sCMD_3     = Nothing   
   Set FSO        = Nothing   
   Set oShell     = Nothing   
   Set Parameters = Nothing   

 End Sub   


 Function CopyWIMFiles(Server)   

   REM Define Local Objects   
   DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")   

   REM Define Local Variables   
   DIM Source      : Source      = "\\" & Server & "\DeploymentShare\Boot"   
   DIM Destination : Destination = "c:\winpe"   
   DIM Parameters  : Parameters  = "*.wim /eta /r:1 /w:0"   
   DIM Command01   : Command01   = "robocopy" & Chr(32) & Source & Chr(32) & Destination & Chr(32) & Parameters   

   oShell.Run Command01, 1, True   

   REM Cleanup Local Variables   
   Set Command01   = Nothing   
   Set Destination = Nothing   
   Set oShell      = Nothing   
   Set Parameters  = Nothing   
   Set Source      = Nothing   

 End Function   


 Function RenameWIMFiles(Server)   

   REM Define Local Objects   
   DIM FSO  : Set FSO  = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   

   REM Define Local Variables   
   DIM Source_x86 : Source_x86 = RelativePath & "LiteTouchPE_x86.wim"   
   DIM Source_x64 : Source_x64 = RelativePath & "LiteTouchPE_x64.wim"   
   DIM Dest_x86   : Dest_x86   = RelativePath & "LiteTouchPE_x86_" & Server & ".wim"   
   DIM Dest_x64   : Dest_x64   = RelativePath & "LiteTouchPE_x64_" & Server & ".wim"   

   If FSO.FileExists(Source_x86) then   
     If NOT FSO.FileExists(Dest_x86) then   
       FSO.MoveFile Source_x86, Dest_x86   
     End If   
   End If   
   If FSO.FileExists(Source_x64) then   
     If NOT FSO.FileExists(Dest_x64) then   
       FSO.MoveFile Source_x64, Dest_x64   
     End If   
   End If   

   REM Cleanup Local Variables   
   Set Dest_x86   = Nothing   
   Set Dest_x64   = Nothing   
   Set FSO        = Nothing   
   Set Source_x86 = Nothing   
   Set Source_x64 = Nothing   

 End Function   


 Function MountWIM(Server,Architecture)   

   REM Define Local Objects   
   DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")   

   REM Define Local Variables   
   DIM MountDIR  : MountDIR  = RelativePath & "Mount"   
   DIM WIMFile   : WIMFile   = RelativePath & "LiteTouchPE_" & Architecture & "_" & Server & ".wim"   
   DIM Command01 : Command01 = "DISM /Mount-Wim /WIMFile:" & WIMFile & Chr(32) & "/Index:1 /MountDIR:" & MountDIR   

   oShell.Run Command01, 1, True   

   REM Cleanup Local Variables   
   Set Command01 = Nothing   
   Set MountDIR  = Nothing   
   Set oShell    = Nothing   
   Set WIMFile   = Nothing   

 End Function   


 Sub AddWMI(Architecture)   

   REM Define Local Objects   
   DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")   

   REM Define Local Variables   
   DIM Image           : Image           = "/Image:" & RelativePath & "Mount"   
   DIM AddPackage      : AddPackage      = "/Add-Package"   
   DIM PackagePath     : Set PackagePath = Nothing   
   DIM PackagePath_x86 : PackagePath_x86 = "/PackagePath:" & Chr(34) &_   
                         "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\WinPE_FPs\winpe-wmi.cab" & Chr(34)   
   DIM PackagePath_x64 : PackagePath_x64 = "/PackagePath:" & Chr(34) &_   
                         "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\WinPE_FPs\winpe-wmi.cab" & Chr(34)   
   DIM Command01       : Set Command01  = Nothing   

   If Architecture = "x86" Then   
     PackagePath = PackagePath_x86   
     PackagePath = PackagePath_x64   
   End If   
   Command01 = "DISM" & Chr(32) & Image & Chr(32) & AddPackage & Chr(32) & PackagePath   
   oShell.Run Command01, 1, True   

   REM Cleanup Local Variables   
   Set AddPackage      = Nothing   
   Set Command01       = Nothing   
   Set Image           = Nothing   
   Set oShell          = Nothing   
   Set PackagePath     = Nothing   
   Set PackagePath_x86 = Nothing   
   Set PackagePath_x64 = Nothing   

 End Sub   


 Sub CreateFolderStructure(Architecture)   

   REM Define Local Objects   
   DIM FSO    : Set FSO    = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   
   DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")   

   REM Define Local Variables   
   DIM Command01     : Set Command01 = Nothing   
   DIM Directory     : Set Directory = Nothing   
   DIM Directory_x86 : Directory_x86 = RelativePath & "Mount\CCTK\x86\HAPI"   
   DIM Directory_x64 : Directory_x64 = RelativePath & "Mount\CCTK\x86_64\HAPI"  
   If Architecture = "x86" Then   
     Directory = Directory_x86   
     Directory = Directory_x64   
   End If   
   If NOT FSO.FolderExists(Directory) then   
   End If   

   REM Cleanup Local Variables   
   Set Command01     = Nothing   
   Set Directory     = Nothing   
   Set Directory_x86 = Nothing   
   Set Directory_x64 = Nothing   
   Set FSO           = Nothing   
   Set oShell        = Nothing   

 End Sub   


 Sub CopyHAPIFiles(Architecture)   

   REM Define Local Objects   
   DIM FSO    : Set FSO    = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   
   DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")   

   REM Define Local Variables   
   DIM sCMD_1     : Set sCMD_1 = Nothing   
   DIM sCMD_2     : Set sCMD_2 = Nothing   
   DIM Source     : Set Source = Nothing   
   DIM Source_x86 : Source_x86 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CCTK\X86\HAPI\*.*"   
   DIM Source_x64 : Source_x64 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CCTK\X86_64\HAPI\*.*"   
   DIM Dest       : Set Dest   = Nothing   
   DIM Dest_x86   : Dest_x86   = RelativePath & "mount\CCTK\x86\HAPI"   
   DIM Dest_x64   : Dest_x64   = RelativePath & "mount\CCTK\x86_64\HAPI"   

   If Architecture = "x86" Then   
     Source = Source_x86   
     Dest  = Dest_x86   
     Source = Source_x64   
     Dest  = Dest_x64   
   End If   
   sCMD_1 = "%COMSPEC% /c mkdir " & Dest   
   If NOT FSO.FolderExists(Dest) then   
     oShell.Run sCMD_1, 1, True   
   End If   
   sCMD_2 = "%COMSPEC% /c copy " & Chr(34) & Source & Chr(34) & Chr(32) & Dest & Chr(32) & "/V /Y"   
 '  If FSO.FolderExists(Source) then   
     oShell.Run sCMD_2, 1, True   
 '  End If   

   REM Cleanup Local Variables   
   Set Dest       = Nothing   
   Set Dest_x86   = Nothing   
   Set Dest_x64   = Nothing   
   Set FSO        = Nothing   
   Set oShell     = Nothing   
   Set sCMD_1     = Nothing   
   Set sCMD_2     = Nothing   
   Set Source     = Nothing   
   Set Source_x86 = Nothing   
   Set Source_x64 = Nothing   

 End Sub   


 Sub CopyCCTKFiles(Architecture)   

   REM Define Local Objects   
   DIM FSO : Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   

   REM Define Local Variables   
   DIM CCTKFile   : CCTKFile   = "cctk.exe"   
   DIM MXMLFile   : MXMLFile   = "mxml1.dll"   
   DIM INIFile    : INIFile    = "multiplatform.ini"   
   DIM PCIFile    : PCIFile    = "pci.ids"   
   DIM NetSource  : NetSource  = "\\global.gsp\data\clients\na_clients\Dell\BIOS\"   
   DIM Source     : Set Source = Nothing   
   DIM Source_x86 : Source_x86 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CCTK\X86\"   
   DIM Source_x64 : Source_x64 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CCTK\X86_64\"   
   DIM Dest       : Set Dest   = Nothing   
   DIM Dest_x86   : Dest_x86   = RelativePath & "mount\CCTK\x86\"   
   DIM Dest_x64   : Dest_x64   = RelativePath & "mount\CCTK\x86_64\"   

   If Architecture = "x86" Then   
     Source = Source_x86   
     Dest  = Dest_x86   
     Source = Source_x64   
     Dest  = Dest_x64   
   End If   
   If NOT FSO.FolderExists(Dest) then   
   End If   
   If FSO.FolderExists(Source) then   
     FSO.CopyFile Source & CCTKFile, Dest, 1   
   End If   
   If FSO.FolderExists(Source) then   
     FSO.CopyFile NetSource & INIFile, Dest, 1   
   End If   
   If FSO.FolderExists(Source) then   
     FSO.CopyFile Source & PCIFile, Dest, 1   
   End If   
   If FSO.FolderExists(Source) then   
     FSO.CopyFile Source & MXMLFile, Dest, 1   
   End If   

   REM Cleanup Local Variables   
   Set CCTKFile   = Nothing   
   Set INIFile    = Nothing   
   Set MXMLFile   = Nothing   
   Set PCIFile    = Nothing   
   Set Dest       = Nothing   
   Set Dest_x86   = Nothing   
   Set Dest_x64   = Nothing   
   Set FSO        = Nothing   
   Set Source     = Nothing   
   Set Source_x86 = Nothing   
   Set Source_x64 = Nothing   

 End Sub   


 Sub EditUnattend(Architecture)   

       REM Define Local Constants   
   CONST ForReading = 1   
   CONST ForWriting = 2   

   REM Define Local Objects   
   DIM File     : File       = "C:\winpe\mount\unattend.xml"   
   DIM strOld1    : strOld1      = "<Order>1</Order>"   
   DIM strNew1    : strNew1      = "<Order>4</Order>"   
   DIM strOld2    : strOld2      = "<RunSynchronous>"   
   DIM strNew2    : strNew2      = "<RunSynchronous>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=" & Chr(34) & "add" & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<Description>Map BIOS Drive</Description>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<Order>1</Order>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<Path>net use \\global.gsp\data\clients\na_clients\dell\bios /user:{username/password}</Path>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "</RunSynchronousCommand>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=" & Chr(34) & "add" & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<Description>Initiate HAPI</Description>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<Order>2</Order>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<Path>X:\CCTK\x86_64\HAPI\hapint -i -k C-C-T-K -p X:\CCTK\x86_64\HAPI\</Path>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "</RunSynchronousCommand>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=" & Chr(34) & "add" & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<Description>Set BIOS Settings</Description>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<Order>3</Order>" & Chr(10) &_   
                     "<Path>x:\CCTK\x86_64\cctk.exe -i \\global.gsp\data\clients\na_clients\Dell\BIOS\multiplatform.ini</Path>" & Chr(10) &_   
   DIM objFSO        : Set objFSO        = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   
   DIM objFile       : Set objFile       = objFSO.getFile(File)   
   DIM objTextStream : Set objTextStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading)   
   DIM strInclude    : strInclude        = objTextStream.ReadAll   

   Set objTextStream = Nothing   
   If InStr(strInclude,strOld1) > 0 Then   
      strInclude = Replace(strInclude,strOld1,strNew1)   
      Set objTextStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting)   
      objTextStream.Write strInclude   
      Set objTextStream = Nothing   
   End If   
   If InStr(strInclude,strOld2) > 0 Then   
      strInclude = Replace(strInclude,strOld2,strNew2)   
      Set objTextStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting)   
      objTextStream.Write strInclude   
      Set objTextStream = Nothing   
   End If   

   REM Cleanup Local Variables   
   Set File          = Nothing   
   Set objFile       = Nothing   
   Set objFSO        = Nothing   
   Set objTextStream = Nothing   
   Set strInclude    = Nothing   
   Set strNew1       = Nothing   
   Set strNew2       = Nothing   
   Set strOld1       = Nothing   
   Set strOld2       = Nothing   

 End Sub   


 Sub DismountWIM()   

   REM Define Local Objects   
   DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")   

   REM Define Local Variables   
   DIM MountDIR  : MountDIR  = RelativePath & "Mount"   
   DIM Command01 : Command01 = "DISM /Unmount-WIM /MountDir:" & MountDIR & Chr(32) & "/commit"   

   oShell.Run Command01, 1, True   

   REM Cleanup Local Variables   
   Set Command01 = Nothing   
   Set MountDIR  = Nothing   
   Set oShell    = Nothing   

 End Sub   


 Sub Complete()   

   MsgBox "Process Complete"   

 End Sub   


 Sub GlobalVariableCleanup()   

   Set LogFolder    = Nothing   
   Set RelativePath = Nothing   

 End Sub  


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